Government Financial Statictics

This FY2021 preliminary Statistical Compendium was prepared by the Graduate School USA, Pacific Islands Training Initiative, Honolulu, Hawaii in collaboration with the RMI Economic Planning Policy and Statistics Office (EPPSO).  It was prepared under a contract with the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs.  It is available both in PDF and Excel format online at

The Graduate School team for the RoP comprised

·Glenn McKinlay
·Mark Sturton

The RMI effort was coordinated through the Economic Planning Policy and Statistics Office (EPPSO). Special thanks are also extended to:

·Office of Compact Implementation (OCI)
·Ministry of Finance
·Office of the Public Auditor
·Marshall Islands Social Security Administration
·Marshall Islands Banking Commission
·Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority
·The many respondents to data requests, in both the public and private sector

Government Finance Statistics, $ million

Tax revenue30.432.134.933.535.9
Other revenue49.939.241.542.637.2
Compensation of Employees-45.9-48.2-50.8-52.7-58.0
Use of goods and services-32.2-36.8-50.0-43.5-44.0
Other expense-45.2-38.0-45.7-53.5-50.5
Net Worth and its Changes-22.3-15.7-1.9-20.1-22.4
Nonfinancial assets-12.9-10.1-6.1-14.3-20.0
Financial assets-10.00.0-2.1-8.1-3.1
Financial liabilities0.7-
Overall fiscal balance9.45.6-

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